Go through all the regular expenses you have per month, and see what you can negotiate down or cut o...
Rock On Stage & Be Remembered
“Wow! This is really awesome”? I can raise my hand to that. But I have also attended many presen...
Are you doing this simple, yet crucial mistake in your recruitment ads?
Most of Millennials and Gen Z, when applying for a job, want to take a part of a journey. They want ...
Why Burger King new campaign is genius
For centuries Millennials have believed, and many still believe that if you leave a burger from Burg...
Are you using this smart marketing trick when onboarding new employees?
Back in the old days when someone new started in a company, it was easy, give them a tour around the...
Attention span to younger generations
Nowadays almost all marketing happens on social media yet still some companies try to reach out thro...